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Showing posts with label Solid Geometry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solid Geometry. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Square Prism Problems, 4

Category: Solid Geometry

"Published in Vacaville, California, USA"

The figure represents a truncated prism. The base ABCD is a square, and the lateral edges AE, BF, CG, DH are perpendicular to the base. AB = 10 in., AE = 6 in., BF = 10 in., CG = 10 in., DH = 6 in. Find (a) the length of each face diagonal; (b) each face angle; (c) the length of each diagonal of solid; (d) the lateral area; (e) the total area; (f) the angle BFH; (g) the volume.

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life


(a) Label further the figure and draw a diagonal line at each face as follows
Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

By Pythagorean Theorem, the length of the diagonals are

(b) Let's consider the side view of a truncated prism which is HDCG as follows

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

By using basic trigonometric functions, we can solve for the face angles as follows



The opposite side of a truncated prism which is AEFB, their face angles are also 68°11'55'' and 111°48'5''. The rest of the face angles are all 90°

(c) Let's consider the given figure again and draw their diagonal lines as follows

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

The length of the diagonals of a truncated prism are

(d) The lateral area of a truncated prism is

(e) The total area of a truncated prism is

(f) Let's consider the given figure again as follows

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

By Cosine Law, the value of ∠BFH which is also α is


(g) The volume of a truncated prism is