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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More Cube Problems, 8

Category: Solid Geometry

"Published in Newark, California, USA"

Show that (a) the total surface of a cube is twice the square of its diagonal, (b) the volume of a cube is 1/9 √3 times the cube of its diagonal.


To illustrate the problem, it is better to draw the figure as follows

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

Consider the lower base of a cube. Use Pythagorean Theorem in order to solve for the hypotenuse or the diagonal of the lower base as follows

If all the faces of a cube are perpendicular to each other, then all edges are perpendicular to each other also. Since c is located at the lower base of a cube, then c is perpendicular to x. 

Use Pythagorean Theorem in order to solve for the diagonal of a cube as follows

The total area of a cube is

The volume of a cube is




Monday, May 5, 2014

More Cube Problem, 7

Category: Solid Geometry, Trigonometry

"Published in Vacaville, California, USA"

The plane section ABCD shown in the figure is cut from a cube of edge a. Find the angle which the section ABCD makes with the lower base of the cube if D and C are each at the midpoint of an edge.

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life


To understand more the problem, it is better to label further the given figure as follows

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

Since the edges of a cutting plane which are AB and CD are parallel to the four parallel sides of a cube, then two triangles formed by a cutting plane with a cube are congruent. 

Since the edges of a cube are perpendicular to each other, then two triangles are right triangles.

Therefore, the angle of a cutting plane with respect to the lower base of a cube is


Sunday, May 4, 2014

More Cube Problems, 6

Category: Solid Geometry, Plane Geometry

"Published in Vacaville, California, USA"

Pass a plane through a cube so that the section formed will be a regular hexagon. If the edge of the cube is 2 units, find the area of this section.


To illustrate the problem, it is better to draw the figure as follows

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

The intersection of a cube with a cutting plane is a regular hexagon with 2 units of its sides. The vertices of a regular hexagon are located at the midpoint of six sides of a cube. By Pythagorean Theorem, we can calculate the sides of a regular hexagon as follows


Next, analyze the section as follows

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life

Since this is a regular hexagon, then we can calculate the vertex angle of the six triangles as follows

The six triangles are all isosceles triangles because the above figure is a regular hexagon. Let's calculate the base angles of an isosceles triangle as follows

Since all angles of an isosceles triangle are all equal, then all six triangles of a regular hexagon are equiangular or equilateral triangles. 

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life
By using Pythagorean Theorem, the altitude of an equilateral triangle is

The area of a triangle is

Therefore, the area of a regular hexagon which is the section of a cube is