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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Solving Sudoku Puzzle

Category: Arithmetic

"Published in Newark, California, USA"

Solve for the missing digits in the Sudoku puzzle:

Photo by Math Principles in Everyday Life


Sudoku is a well-known number puzzle worldwide from easy to difficult level. It is started in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company, Nikoli, under the name, Sudoku, meaning "single number". 

Until now, Sudoku is still a popular number puzzle worldwide that you will see mostly in newspapers and magazines. You can assign the digits from 1 to 9. The repetition of the digits are not allowed by row, column, and even in 3 x 3 square. You must be patient in assigning the digits because many people can solve the puzzle within 30 minutes to an hour or so depending with the hardness of the puzzle. 

If you want to learn how to solve the Sudoku puzzle especially the beginners, please watch this video and this is the beginning or easy level puzzle.

This video is courtesy by YouTube. Thanks to blueclickers who shared this wonderful video at YouTube.