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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Maximum Minimum Problem, 2

Category: Differential Calculus, Algebra

"Published in Newark, California, USA"

The cost of fuel per hour for running a ship is proportional to the cube of the speed and is $27 per hour when the speed is 12 miles per hour. Other costs amount to $128 per hour regardless of the speed. Express the cost per mile as a function of the speed, and find the speed that makes this cost a minimum. 


The first thing that we have to do is to analyze the given word problem as follows

Let C = cost of fuel per hour
      v = speed of a ship

From the word problem, "The cost of fuel per hour for running a ship is proportional to the cube of the speed", the working equation will be

If C = $27 per hour
   v = 12 miles per hour

then the value of k will be


From the word problem, "Other costs amount to $128 per hour regardless of the speed", the final working equation will be 

To get the minimum cost of a fuel as a function of the speed,  take the derivative of the above equation with respect to v as follows

Set dC/dv = 0 since we are getting the minimum cost of a fuel as follows